Reflections, Realisations
To Inspire & Be Inspired
Showing posts with label A Life Less Ordinary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Life Less Ordinary. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Word of the year: Austerity

abandoned buildings with a classical austerity
the years of austerity which followed the war
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

In my high school days, when I first learnt about the word Austerity, I can remember its 2nd meaning: Strictness, but never the 1st: Simplicity. 

Back then, I can hardly see how Strictness is related to Simplicity.

As my spiritual life unfolds, I find this word popping up in spiritual literature frequently, and I take it for granted, especially in the context of spirituality, to mean strictness/self-dsicipline/ascetism, since this is the meaning I can only remember since high school days anyway.

However last month, while watching the documentary on the life of forest ascetics featuring Ajahn Chah, I caught this word ringing in my head again and found myself searching it online. 

Refreshing as the morning mist, the beauty of the word Austerity dawns upon me. The once diverse meanings "Strictness; Simplicity" of this word, now after yrs of spiritual practice, present themselves to me in one unity. 

Of course, when one is self-disciplined, abstained and strict (which is different from harsh), one lives a simple life, clutter-free, trouble-free, worry-free. 
The rules are meant to protect us, the righteous man stands unstained.

Morality, self-discipline and simplicity.
These qualities of spirituality encapsulated in one word - Austerity.
Austerity - the true essence of Spirituality!
What a beautiful word it is!
Austerity - the mantra for my spiritual practice 2012

Dear friends, your comments based on personal experience and insights of the word are welcomed. Pls post them below:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mass Dana - Dtun Ajahn, 23 May 2012

This is one of the happiest days of my life - preparing food and offering dana to the noble one Ajahn Dtun and his disciples.

Ajahn Dtun is a Thai forest monk, a direct disciple of the late Ajahn Chah whom most people believe is an Arahant (an enlightened one).  

Ajahn Dtun's radiance, energy, compassion, composure and grace captivates me instantly when I first met him during his talk on Monday. He has an aura that calms and uplifts at the same. This inspires me instantly like a stroke of lightning.

I noticed Ajahn Dtun sit with his legs folded elegantly beneath him. Most people would agree that this sitting posture is not comfortable at all. He sat without even once shifting while delivering the 2 hours talk! During Q&A, he answered all questions with equanimity and child-like enthusiasm.
After the talk, people were reluctant to go home. Being too polite to leave before us, Ajahn Dtun stayed around while people started taking pictures of him. He sat in what I would call perfect poise with a nourishing smile.

From the beginning to the end, I only experienced sustained radiance, energy, compassion, composure and grace from him. Touched by the energies, I experienced joy and rapture. I am so inspired that I have a strong urge to go forth. It is as if I was transformed. At his point, I know that he is a stream enterer (a noble one).

Later, knowing that he only takes 1 meal a day impresses me even further. Given this and the fact he is recovering from a major illness, I cannot believe the energy I saw that sustained till 10+pm (at least) on Monday night.

His translating Caucasian disciple who speaks Thai fluently is a rare gem too. 
Speaking Thai and English back and forth non-stop, taking 1 meal a day, taking not even a single sip of water during the 2 hours, I did not detect even the slightest drop in energy. 

I only see a child-like face radiating with compassion and calm.

So austere is their training, so disciplined is their conduct, so polished are their attainments!

Ajahn Dtun is indeed a worthy one, worthy of offerings. Never have I prepared and offered any food with such joy and energy.

This has an instant cleansing effect - an opening of the heart and clarity of the mind.
Later in the day, I notice people who tend to not treat me well, start to change too (and I would not call it coincidental)!
Even the simple act of dana with joy brings me such benefits, what remains to say of even more meritorious deeds?

I am inspired and so may I inspire.

Be a living example and pay it forward.
Let's sustain the good triple gem for as long as we all exist...

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu everyone!

Ajahn Dtun and his disciples visit Singapore for the 1st time from 21st - 23rd May 2012. 
A devoted lay Singaporean Buddhist went all the way to his monastery in Thailand to request for him 3 times and Ajahn Dtun accepted on the 3rd time.

Appendix: Qualities of Ariya (noble people - stream enterer)

[ Reference: "Ten Suttas from Digha Nikaya", Burma Pitaka Association, 1984]
Ten Samyojanas
Seven Anusayas
Latent Defilements
ArahatEnlightenedAnagamiNon-ReturnerSakadagamiOnce-ReturnerSotapanStream Winner

IS{short description of image}
IS{short description of image}
Conceit, Pride
Conceit, Pride
IS{short description of image}
Formless Realm Craving
IS{short description of image}
Fine-material Realm Craving
Existence Craving
IS{short description of image}
Aversion, Hatred, Ill Will, Anger
Aversion, Hatred, Ill Will, Anger
IS{short description of image}
{short description of image}EXTINCT{short description of image}
Sensuous Craving
Sensuous Craving
IS{short description of image}
{short description of image}EXTINCT{short description of image}
Silabbata Paramassa
After Rules & Rituals
IS{short description of image}
{short description of image}EXTINCT
{short description of image}
{short description of image}EXTINCT
Sceptical Doubts
Sceptical Doubts
IS{short description of image}
{short description of image}EXTINCT
{short description of image}
{short description of image}EXTINCT
Sakkaya Ditthi
Personality Belief
False View
IS{short description of image}
{short description of image}EXTINCT
{short description of image}
{short description of image}EXTINCT
Ten Samyojanas
Seven Anusayas
Latent Defilements
Stream Winner

Monday, April 16, 2012

In memory of my late grandma (1929 - 16 April 2012)

When this day has passed, you have 1 day less to be who you want to be...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spirituality defined

Spirituality is the wholeness, oneness beyond the physical and mundane. 
It is the break-through beyond self.
It is the connection between self and everything, every being in the universe, in all dimensions - physical, mental, emotional, etherical etc... 

Spirituality is not the same as religion. 
The difference: Spirituality emphasizes on direct experience while religion emphasizes on faith. 
The common area: morality is the foundation for both.

My spirituality channels - nature, healing, wellness, meditation, yoga, martial arts, travel, music (esp playing piano), aromatherapy, arts therapy, contemplative writing (e.g. this blog), environmentalism, education etc. 
Anything that can help me establish the connection and oneness, the spreading, involution and evolution of self. 

Being spiritual helps me to gain the most clarity in life. 

The real insight, simplicity and grounding.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tune in to my spiritual space...

I have decided to document all my spiritual retreats. I will start with my most recent spiritual trip to the mountains and national park off Sydney and slowly make a trip back to my previous ones while documenting new spiritual trips at the same time.

The purpose is mainly for me to see for myself how much my spiritual horizon has widened, and for my friends and anyone interested to share my joy and be informed of avenues to grow spiritually themselves.

I will also gradually use this platform to launch my "Anything Spiritual Supermart".

Sounds gd!? Tune in to my spiritual space...

Suggestion: read articles from bottom up, from oldest to newest.

Monday, December 6, 2010


身为一名成功学/软技能培训员 (life-coach),我的主要任务就是帮助学员确认并达到他们的人生目标。目标明确是成功道路上最为关键的第一步。人生目标明确的人,富有自信,生命力,自我推动力;生活过地充实而不迷茫,;碰到挫折时,他们还能借此锻炼自己,好不乐观!人生目标明确的人,自己受益,也正面地影响他周兆的人。所以,要成功,目标就得明确。(这是为什么国际讲演会早在作业三就要求演讲目标分明。)




我观察到我从小就常思考生活中的种种问题。我寻找答案的途径先是通过艺术(演讲,舞台剧,音乐,绘画)表达人生,后来觉得物理提供的答案更准确客观。在大学就读物理系时又碰到了佛学, 认为它与科学的发现十分符合。至今,对我而言,还是佛学最能解答生活中的问题,是最直接最有说服力最深入透彻的理论。(对许多认识佛学的人来说,真正的佛学并不是我们一般理解的宗教 - 因为它毫无麻木崇拜神灵的信念 - 而是个生活哲学,生活艺术)。

要寻求真理,只有经过分享知识与心得,理解才会更深一层, 从而也学到更多东西。这一点同时加上我比较善于正面影导他人,毕业以后我就开始对教育充满热忱。

寻求真理与教育是最佳搭档。 他们是我生命中最大的喜悦与满足感。他们是我的人生目标。


认识了佛学以后,我学习了禅修与瑜伽。这两种利器有助于维持我的教育工作。怎么说呢?我从事教育工作已十年了。每早上讲堂前,我都会做个半小时的禅修与瑜伽,这是为了集中精神与充电,以备有足够正面的能量影导我的学员,应付一天即将面临的种种挑战。下课回家后,我又做上一小时的禅修与瑜伽,这是为了松懈身心,回顾一天所发生的事 (感恩他人对我的好,反省自己做错的事,提醒自己造福人群),更重要的是,学习放下,路才能走得更长远。

工作时间以外,除了运动,便是阅读,看纪录片,做数学题,学习语言或弹乐器。他们都有助于锻炼分析思考能力, 是寻求真理的必需。

一年当中,我还得出国两次, 每次长达一个月。主要目的是让我更贴近真理。

一次出国是背包旅游。增广见闻,体验人生的同时,有机会也会做义务的教育工作。我选择背包而不参加旅行团是因为只有这样才能真正深入民间,认识当地生活情况。我认为要尝尽生活百态, 人生观才能有所突破。





Saturday, July 17, 2010

童年 - My Childhood





麦克杰旬通过 “童年 ”这首歌,倾诉了他所渴望的童年,也让我门知道了他成年的目标就是为了弥补他所谓“ 失去的童年”。

俄国作家高尔基的著作“童年 ”揭露了俄国沙皇时期的黑暗。高尔基的童年虽残酷,却没有使他懦弱,反而把他锻炼得更坚强。

其实一个人的童年美丽也好,残酷也好, 都是我们无法遗忘的过去。

心理学家也证实了,童年在一个人成长过程中扮演着举足 轻重的角色。


我最难忘的儿童故事是 “卖火柴的小 孩”。小时候,每听一次故事,我都哭一次。它让我十分感动。故事是告诉我们世界上有许多不幸的儿童需要我们的爱与关怀。这故事所带来的感动成为了我要帮助世界不幸儿童的人生目标。我志愿成为教师,也是为了要帮助及提拔年轻的一代。




我另一个童年的喜好是音乐。至今,我最爱的儿歌还是“小熊请客” – “欢迎你,欢迎你,老朋友我们欢迎你,看到你来真高兴,小熊,这一包点心送给你。。。”

“小熊请客” 我每天一遍又一遍地重播。我喜爱音乐的程度,说服我父母让我学钢琴。音乐,特别是钢琴,成为了我抒发情绪的管道。从小,钢琴就是我知心好友。只要有不愉快的事儿,向它倾诉以后,心情就会好了起来。我从来不会因情绪影响而用语言伤害他人,都是因为有钢琴这个良伴。我的性格交温和就和我喜爱音乐有关。

一个人的童年在他的生命中很重要。我很感谢父母给我足够的发挥空间,让我的童年多姿多彩,使我对人生充满了信心。比起卖火柴的小 孩,我的童年是天堂。同样一颗无辜幼小的心灵,就因为出生在世界不同的角落,命运就这样截然不同。在享受幸福的同时,我永远也不会忘记这个事实。

珍惜我们的童年,常在生命中保留一分童真, 也不忘了 在世界黑暗的角落里,成千上万的儿童 等待着您 散发爱 与希望的 光芒!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Quotes

There are 4 things one needs to know about oneself: beliefs, passions, strengths, weaknesses.

No matter how old we are, there is a child in everyone of us. Bringing out the child in us is crucial because it is a place full of love and wonder.

When we lose faith (trust, confidence) we lose everything.

This body shall die but the legacy of our work lives on.

There are 2 sides in everyone of us - the dark and the bright side; it's entirely OUR CHOICE which side we wanna bring out.

Be the master of our future, not a slave of our past.

In boiling water
The carrot will soften
The raw egg will harden
Only the coffee bean will spread its fragrance
throughout the entire water
Which one will you like to be in this maddening world?

There are only 2 reasons why computers lag: virus and junk; likewise for the degradation of humanity - Purify yourselves with ethical immunity and a simple life!

Wisdom without compassion is of no use; compassion without wisdom will be abused.

Cowardice breeds injustice.

(for more quotes, read my article "On Truth")

Truth is liberating and liberation is the highest peace and happiness.

The different disciplines are just different windows to the same truth.

Truth never lies, or beats around the bush.

To inspire and be inspired.

Education is the only way to salvage humanity.

Education should be empowering and is the only way to break any vicious cycle.

We truly learn only from our own mistakes.

Schools should be the places to make mistakes.

Love is the language of Education.

Mental Discipline
The hardest problem often has the simplest solution; the simplest solution often is the hardest to practise.
If you want it bad enough, you will do it good enough.

When you start doing things with conditions and expectations is when you should stop doing them.

The wise makes the best of what they have; the fools only complain.

The mind of a wise is flexible, the mind of a fool is fixed.

Multitasking breeds scatterbrains.

Anger is the defense of weakness.

A lot of things in our lives are not necessary.

When you protect Mother Earth, she will protect you too.

Ask not what you should get but what you can give.

When you wait it may be too late.

Be the source of positive energies.

My Sources of Inspirations:
My life is my message - Gandhi
Live like you were to die tomorrow; learn like you were to live forever - Gandhi
Be the change you want to see - Gandhi
Always take the middle path - Buddha
All things are impermanent, strive on diligently - Buddha
My teaching is not to come and believe but to practise – Buddha
When you do good, people will still blame you, do good anyway - Mother Theresa
Don’t do unto others what you won’t do unto yourself – Jesus
Your mind makes your reality
Live and let live
Teach by example
First thing first
One thing at a time